Photos from the Price-Renner Cemetery

The Price-Renner Cemetery with the stones of Ella Price (left) and Elizabeth Price in the foreground. The small stone just to the left of the tree above Ella Price's is Jefferson Renner. Angeline Price Renner's can be seen in the same row, above and between Ella and Elizabeth Price's (it blends in with the trees somewhat). Granderson's stone is lying on the ground to Angeline's right. It seems most of the Prices and Renners are buried on the west side, while the Cromers were buried on the east.

The grave of David Cromer and Elizabeth Rebecca Southard Cromer.

There are many shaped stone in the cemetery. Some have faint outlines of long-faded writing on them.

Granderson Renner's stone.

Sarah Louisa Bradley Cromer's stone.

This is the view looking roughly north from the Price-Renner Cemetery. The road seen in the top left comes down from the High Dry Road. Skeggs Creek is in the valley between the cemetery and the road. The ridgeline at the top of the photo marked the boundary between the "old John Renner farm" and Solomon Rowe's land. Solomon sold J.W. Kirby his land south of that ridge. Both that and the land where the cemetery is located was part of John's 1827, 1835, and 1846 land grants. Mount Pisgah School and a mill were located near Skeggs Creek on the north side of the creek in this view. Mount Pisgah Baptist Church was in the same general area, although it may have been to the left out of the frame.